Health – Short Term Goals for Term 1

Today in Health we discussed how planning helps us to learn.  We talked about that each of us has different areas we need to improve on.  We can do that by recognizing our individual strengths and weaknesses and setting goals for ourselves.

Children were asked to think of three short-term goals for Term One:  one behaviour goal, one academic goal, and one friendship goal.  Together we discussed different examples of each:

Example Behaviour Goals

– raising my hand without talking out

– sitting properly in my chair

– staying seated and being quiet during seat work

– using self talk to focus attention and listen

– working more quickly

Example Academic Goals

– improve my basic subtraction facts

– improve my spelling

– reading questions more carefully

– checking my work for mistakes

Example Friendship Goals

– making a new friend

– using my words when I am upset

– being more inclusive on the playground

Children are asked to share with their parents their goals and the steps they are going to take towards achieving them.  They should also identify potential obstacles that might interfere with their goals. As children take steps towards achieving their goal, they will get to colour in the stars on top of their goal.  Hopefully all will be coloured in by the end of Term One 🙂

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